Executive Director, LaAgencia, Madrid

“Elvis has always fascinated me. It’s incredible how he always seems to be over and above everything and everybody, no matter what anybody thinks. I love those concerts in Las Vegas where he even forgot the words, and the songs, where he told the public to enjoy themselves, they’re in Las Vegas and the chorus girls are fantastic. Elvis is always above everything; Obviously Elvis is still alive, and has been kidnapped by aliens. If you were an alien and had to kidnap someone, wouldn’t you kidnap Elvis?
Libres Para Siempre (Free For Ever),, gave me two important tips. One: to dedicate myself to this new media art business, and two: that I should be like Elvis. And I have followed the two tips to the letter. I ended up producing their projects, I learned a lot and since then I have dedicated myself to this; my life is a disaster.
In the comparisons between new media art and fine arts something neurotic arises, a need to be accepted by the father figure, leading us to Freudian positions and the question whether in truth the complex comes from a messianic problem, from the absence of a messiah to guide, reveal and validate the work done. Maybe we need a Duchamp or a Picasso who bequeaths us a revealing truth, a guide-father-messiah.
But I remember, that when starting all this, the common goal was to get away from all that, from established structures and revealing truths, from all that, we wanted a little more and, more than anything else, somewhere where we could be as free as Elvis.
The question “Just What Is It that Makes New Media Art So Different, So Appealing?” brings with it an obvious comparison, and this comparison is in itself, in its reiterative, neurotic.
Our interest in LaAgencia is to generate knowledge. The rest is tactics and strategy to achieve it, when not a mere backdrop. We believe that it is ridiculous to think of the world without thinking of our relationship with technology and the machine, now part of our Ego or our Superego. Besides, in this field of work we are having a really good time.
A technical question; we are not sure whether LaAgencia is an art company working exclusively with technology or a technological company working exclusively from the paradigm of art.
But I want to be like Elvis, and I don’t care about the rest.”