Régine Debatty

Here is a list of contents in which Régine Debatty appear.



Produced as a catalogue for the exhibition Holy Fire. Art of the Digital Age, this book is, indeed, more than a simple catalogue. Along with the works of the 27 artists in the exhibition, it features the editor’s essays along with a collective interview involving some of the most important representatives of the new media art world.



With : Raphaël Bastide & Yannick Antoine, Michel Bauwens, Josephine Bosma, Heath Bunting, Paolo Cirio, Florian Cramer, Régine Debatty, Constant Dullaart, Jodi, Olia Lialina, Alessandro Ludovico, Nicolas Malevé, Miltos Manetas, Julian Oliver, Domenico Quaranta, Rafael Rozendaal, Sakrowski, Gordan Savičić 


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the barcode of the future. With RFID objects or persons can be equipped with a chip (an RFID tag), readable with an RFID reader from a range of up to several meters. A lot of desired (or undesired) data can be attached to these tags for a variable period of time.


iMAL propose ART+GAME, une exploration des relations entre Art et Jeux Vidéos avec une exposition d’artistes de renommée internationale, des projections de films documentaires et Machinima, des performances et concerts, des conférences et débats.