Gordan Savičić

Gordan Savičić is fascinated by new issues of our contemporary existence caused by the effects of new media on subjectivity and its deep social implications. He is interested in imposing and applying the assumed (computed) reality within different realms to discuss its potential future and exploit. Main research areas around his projects include game cultures, digital and urban interventions, architecture, pervasive computing as well as open source technologies. His participation in collaborative projects and performances have been shown in several countries and received various awards, such as Japan (dis-locate), Germany (Transmediale), Austria (Ars electronica) and Spain (Arco), among others. Savičić has been teaching new media art practices at various schools and universities in the Netherlands (Piet Zwart Institute, Geert Rietveld Academy), Israel (Digital Art Lab Holon), Indonesia (University Surubaya) and in Austria (University of applied arts Vienna), among others.

(text from http://www.yugo.at/processing/)



Avec: Raphaël Bastide & Yannick Antoine, Michel Bauwens, Josephine Bosma, Heath Bunting, Paolo Cirio, Florian Cramer, Régine Debatty, Constant Dullaart, Jodi, Olia Lialina, Alessandro Ludovico, Nicolas Malevé, Miltos Manetas, Julian Oliver, Domenico Quaranta, Rafael Rozendaal, Sakrowski, Gordan Savičić


Pour le vernissage de l'exposition moddr_* à iMAL, le collectif propose un évènement pointu avec atelier et performances audio-visuelles au fil du web, donnant un avant goût des activités typiques du moddr_ lab.


Le  collectif d'artistes moddr_ basé à Rotterdam est invité pour une "carte blanche" où ils présentent une exposition de leurs derniers projets avec un programme associé de performances, conférences et ateliers