Andrej Boleslavský

"Google Eye" is a datasculpture visualizing Google Analytics data about visit of webpage. The data represents one year cycle with events being visualised as a peaks of falls. Significant events are visible, some of them caused by internal activity towards public, such as job offers, festival, some of the caused by external factors, such as summer holidays, Christmas.. We can even see weeks an day-night cycle and the significant drop of the activity during the night. VVVV visual programming tool was used to generate the model.
We can see 365 days on a circle - mapped clockwise and 24 hours of a day mapped outside of the center. Number of visitors is represented by the height.

“Google Eye” est une sculpture visualisant en trois dimensions l’activité sur le site d’
Le disque représente le cycle d’une année; chaque “tranche”, 24h d’une journée. La hauteur correspond au nombre de visiteurs, rendant ainsi tangibles les “pics” de visites.
On peut observer l’influence de différentes annonces et activités d’iMAL, ainsi que d’occurences comme les fêtes de fin d’année, les weekends ou le cycle jour-nuit.