Ways of Connecting

24 April - 17 May 2019
Ways of Connecting

Ways of Connecting

The metaphor of "the cloud" evokes something vaporous and intangible, both ubiquitous and unreachable. But the ethereal cloud actually relies on concrete infrastructures, grounded in a territory.

The web is worldwide thanks to kilometres-long submarine telecommunication cables interconnecting continents. These transatlantic connections are at the core of Evan Roth's Red Lines. Each played video "activates" the underwater link that connects us to the landscape currently displayed on screen.

Some of these cables still follow the routes of the British submarine telegraph system. Nicknamed "The All-Red Line", it somewhat traced the map of the British colonial empire1. Infrastructures are never entirely neutral.

Debates around the unbalanced power of the silicon valley, or around net neutrality also bring us back to infrastructures. There is a growing need for change that stimulates the emergence of alternatives, many of them leaning toward peer-to-peer decentralisation as a way to regain agency2. Reflecting this time of crisis, the two exhibited pieces are both, in their own way, based on a peer-to-peer networks.

The purpose is however not documentary or pedagogical. There is instead a desire to reinterpret and translate our digital environment into more unexpected or subjective forms. Raphaël Bastide & Louise Drulhe defining themselves as "portraitists of these contemporary objects, revealing their characteristics in an attempt to understand them better"3.