30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology

10:30—11:15 • AI: All Idiots — Barbora Trnková (CZ) + Tomáš Javůrek (CZ)

10:30—11:15 • AI: All Idiots
Barbora Trnková (CZ) + Tomáš Javůrek (CZ)

Through artistic research methodologies across several projects, this work critically examines the proclaimed transcendence of rationalistic dualities personified by the cyborg metaphor of Donna Haraway. In doing so, it hints at certain contents reproducing meta-programs concealed within digital technologies. It also indicates how mediated digital thinking impedes the perception of the other, posing a risk to techno-optimistic solutions inspired by this metaphor. In the spirit of glitch feminism, it proposes instances of algorithmic biases, which represent deep glitches in the normative hegemony shaped by dominant subjectivity mediated through the implementation of machine learning algorithms, to be positively perceived as an opportunity for their identification and removal.

Barbora Trnková is an artist, photographer, curator and a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology. In her work she focuses on formulating a shift in photography from taking photos by camera to creating cameras instead. Her dissertation examines aspects of human-inhuman communication both in the development of technology and as an accompanying phenomenon of the very process of working on a work of art in any medium. She is co-founder ScreenSaverGallery, and part of the art duo &.

Together with Tomáš Javůrek, they create applications, wifi installations, mobile applications and web works under the common name & at their site They critically examine various aspects of digital technology, with irony and self-irony.

Barbora, Tomáš Javůrek and Marie Meixner are founders, and co-curators of ScreenSaverGallery, the experimental net art gallery-like space in screensavers.

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