30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology

14:30—15:15 • Artificial Philology — Álvaro Cuéllar (ES)

14:30—15:15 • Artificial Philology
Álvaro Cuéllar (ES)

AI is reshaping philological research, notably in the study of Golden Age theatre. Advanced machine learning algorithms have empowered scholars to analyze thousands of texts on an unprecedented scale. These technologies facilitate tasks that were previously overwhelmingly labor-intensive or even unattainable, such as transcribing numerous manuscripts, authorship attribution or dating. The deployment of AI not only expedites the research process but also uncovers new layers of interpretative possibilities, thereby deepening our understanding of the cultural and literary landscapes of the past.

Álvaro Cuéllar is a researcher at the University of Vienna, specializing in the application of computational techniques to literature. His work focuses on various issues uniquely affecting Golden Age theatre, such as authorship, dating, transcription, and the identification of copyists and printers. He serves as the co-director of the ETSO project, Stylometry Applied to Golden Age Theatre, and collaborates with numerous research teams across multiple countries, bringing a digital perspective to traditional philological questions.

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