30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology

11:30—12:15 • From Creators to Partners: Refining AI's Perception and Forging a New Human-Machine Social Contract — Sana Nouzri (LU)

11:30—12:15 • From Creators to Partners: Refining AI's Perception and Forging a New Human-Machine Social Contract
Sana Nouzri (LU)

In this talk, Dr. Sana Nouzri will navigate the fascinating journey of human-machine collaboration, spotlighting the human touch in refining AI perspectives, examining how humans are pivotal in fine-tuning AI's worldview and the emerging symbiotic relationship that defines our era. She'll outline a renewed social agreement for our era, promoting a future where both humans and machines grow side by side. To illustrate, Nouzri will delve into the role of AI chatbots in religious dialogue and in virtual learning environments, addressing the intricacies of data collection, the nuances of AI-mediated discussions, and the ethical considerations stemming from AI's impact on various viewpoints.

Sana Nouzri received her PhD in Computer Science in 2015 at the University of Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, where she also served as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Sciences Semlalia between 2015–2020, and holds a Professional Certification in Artificial Intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In September 2020, she joined the University of Luxembourg as a postdoctoral researcher at the AI Robolab. Dr. Nouzri has a special interest in the intersection of AI and art, and AI and education and is passionate about knowledge dissemination. She is responsible for various outreach and dissemination activities including elements of AI courses. Through her research and educational efforts, Dr. Nouzri continues to contribute significantly to the fields of artificial intelligence and education.

The Future of Living 2023 @ iMAL