CANCELLED: Zijlijn - Linea Lateralis
.2021 19:00-21:00
This event has been cancelled. More information about a possible new date will follow.
Stijn Demeulenaere has been commissioned by Concertgebouw Bruges to develop an installation for their 2021 program. For this installation, the artist will focus on underwater sounds from the North Sea. The underwater sonic world is a very diverse and intriguing one. The North Sea is a shallow sea, a murky water, where visibility is rather limited. This is a world where sound travels further than sight, and offers much more information about the world around ourselves, compared to visual stimuli. Sea animals make a fantastic range of sounds, most of them very different from the ones we know above water. Underwater microphones or hydrophones are a means to make this audible to us as well.
Stijn Demeulenaere will present his work-in-progress during a public presentation on Januari 23, 2021, from 19h - 21h