30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology


As an organisation we offer a creative laboratory and a workplace for artists that want to work with new (digital) technologies. Through our residency programme, we provide support for artists in their experimentation, research and production.

Types of residency

At iMAL we offer emerging artists a laboratory and a workplace as a part of a residency. We propose different types of residency:

  • Research & Experimentation Residency: This type of residency has as a goal to lead to a prototype or alpha version of a new work, to be presented in a restricted public format to be defined.
  • Production Residency: This type of residency can lead to a public event, e.g. an exhibition or a performance.

We also offer Fablab residencies. Read more about this here.

Contact us to discuss your project!

Upcoming residency

Past Residencies


